Saturday, January 14, 2012

Healthy household tips for for strong teeth and gums.

Apart from normal brushing , flossing , the following tips can be of immense value for life-long strength of teeth and gums .

Massage mustard or sesame oil with salt into the gums daily and wash the teeth with luke warm water or ordinary water.

Massaging these oils with fine turmeric powder is also good .

Rinse your mouth with half a tea spoon of salt in one cup of water before bed time .

Brush your teeth with salt mixed with little turmeric powder for sparkling teeth . Brushing should be done with index finger .

To the salt-turmeric mixture , a drop of lemon juice can be added.

Sugar mixed with the salt in the ppn 2:1 can be used for brushing the teeth before bed time. Kids can be encouraged to do this daily.

Brush the teeth with a mixture of sugar, salt, and clove powder.

Sugar, salt, cloves and a little edible camphor can be powdered and used for brushing with the index finger.

1 comment:

  1. Good tips, Amma.However brushing teeth with turmeric would be interesting.
